Middle School Ministry
Youth discover who they are,
develop Christian friendships,
and grow in their faith.
Confirmation Sunday May 4 at 9:30 am
Confirmation Sundays
Confirmation education starts in 6th grade and continues until students are confirmed in the spring of 8th grade. Students meet during the school year on Sunday nights from 6 - 7:30 pm. Adult guides teach and mentor students, share highs and lows, and work together on weekly lessons that impact their daily lives. 2024-25 Schedule 2024-25 Orientation Letter
Students develop Christian friendships through class, campouts at church, weekend retreats, and service projects such as preparing a meal for the residents of Serenity Inns.
Topics include:
The Apostles’ Creed and its meaning
The Lord’s Prayer and its meaning
The Ten Commandments
Books of the Bible
How to pray
The basic tenets of the Lutheran denomination
How to share your faith and serve the church, community, and world
Christian denominations and world religions
New to COR?
We look forward to meeting you and your child(ren)!