Middle School Ministry

Youth discover who they are,
develop Christian friendships,
and grow in their faith.

Confirmation Sunday May 4 at 9:30 am

Confirmation Sundays
Confirmation education starts in 6th grade and continues until students are confirmed in the spring of 8th grade. Students meet during the school year on Sunday nights from 6 - 7:30 pm. Adult guides teach and mentor students, share highs and lows, and work together on weekly lessons that impact their daily lives. 2024-25 Schedule 2024-25 Orientation Letter

Students develop Christian friendships through class, campouts at church, weekend retreats, and service projects such as preparing a meal for the residents of Serenity Inns.

Topics include:

  • The Apostles’ Creed and its meaning

  • The Lord’s Prayer and its meaning

  • The Ten Commandments

  • Books of the Bible

  • How to pray

  • The basic tenets of the Lutheran denomination

  • How to share your faith and serve the church, community, and world

  • Christian denominations and world religions

New to COR?
We look forward to meeting you and your child(ren)!