
Stewardship is the practice
of being grateful, responsible managers
of the gifts we receive from God.

Your contributions are crucial to funding
our missions and doing the
important work we are called to do.
Thank you.

Giving Options:

  • The general offering is an opportunity to physically give during worship. Cash or checks can be placed in the offering plate. For tax purposes, we highly recommend using a church-provided envelope, which allows the church to easily add your offering to your quarterly statement of giving.

    Need an envelope? They are located on the round table near the entry of the sanctuary.

  • Set up Simply Giving with the church office and your contributions can be deducted from your checking or savings account. Choose the frequency that best suits your lifestyle. Your offering helps the church on a regular basis, and your donation will automatically be included in your quarterly giving statement.
    Complete this FORM for setup.
    *No transaction fees apply.

  • Vanco Online Giving is a safe, easy way to give. Contributions can be deducted from checking, savings, or a credit card. Choose the frequency that best suits your lifestyle. Your offering helps the church on a regular basis, and your donation is included on your quarterly giving statement.
    Setup is simple! Connect directly by going to Vanco Online Giving. Complete the setup following the prompts on the site. 

    Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app provides access to the same online features as Vanco Online Giving via your mobile device. Find the free Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement download in your App Store

    *Fees Per Transaction:
    VISA/MC: 2.95% + 0.45
    AMEX: 3.50% + 0.45

  • PayPal Giving Fund is a convenient way to make a fee-free, one-time donation.

    PayPalis an option to set up recurring donations. From within your PayPal account or mobile app, search @corpewaukee.

    *Fees Per Transaction:
    Charity Rate: 1.99% + 0.49

  • From within your Venmo mobile app, search @corpewaukee to make a one-time donation.

    This option is typically used for collecting payments for Scholarship and FYI fundraiser activities.

    *Fees Per Transaction:
    Charity Rate: 1.90% + 0.10

  • There are three ways to set up recurring donations towards the capital campaign:

    Pave the Way has a 3-year commitment term with a goal of $350,000.
    $200,000 Parking Lot Pavement
    $110,000 HVAC Maintenance
    $40,000 Technology Upgrades
    $350,000 GOAL