“Pave the Way” Campaign
The PAVE THE WAY campaign expresses
our faith that God is at work within
our congregation to help achieve these goals.
This 3-year campaign impacts 3 areas:
The parking lot is in dire need of resurfacing. The potholes have become so grave in certain areas that the winter plowing company damaged a plow blade and has mentioned they may need to cancel working for us unless the holes are fixed. Resurfacing the parking lot is our number one priority.
There are 13 A/C units and 5 boiler units in the building total, and they are aging out of their useful lifespan. It’s time to prepare for their upgrades. Two of the 13 units have already been updated, which leaves 11 units remaining. All five of the boilers are due for repairs or replacement.
Upgrading the technology (soundboard, screens and projector) in the sanctuary will be important for the future growth of our worship and will permit our facility to be a prime location for community events.
“Pave the Way” Update
HVAC repairs and technology upgrades tie into your generous donations to the “Pave the Way” capital campaign that began last summer. In September 2024, the 1st of 3 years of the Pave the Way campaign will be complete!